How to Create a Balcony Vegetable Garden

Whether you are a total beginner when it comes to gardening or you are a seasoned gardener looking to get back to Mother Nature, we got you! This article provides a quick 101 on gardening, how to get started, and beginner-friendly tips to get your balcony garden looking like pure bliss.

Let’s be real here, starting a vegetable garden can be a daunting task. What do you know about how much light which plant gets and how to take care of each one? As a bonus, we’ll also include some tips on how you can maintain your new vegetable garden with ease! 

Finding the right plants for your balcony vegetable garden

While it is essential to consider which vegetables or herbs you plan on growing, it’s equally important to gather the right resources for the process. So let’s dive straight into it! 

Almost All vegetables can sustain growth and survive on a balcony right in your apartment. Some herbs and vegetables require a little extra care but are still generally doable. You’ll need to use the same skills you’d typically use in an open garden space.

certain plants love sunshine and are great to grow on balconies

Some vegetables, like tomatoes, may require direct sunlight, while others, such as potatoes, can grow in shady areas. 

Choosing varieties that won’t grow too large for your containers.

While a balcony is limited, it just really depends on how you use the space given to you. In addition to the floor, railings and walls including the ceiling may all be utilized with creative pots that sit on or hang from railings and can even be placed on tiered stands. 

You can also grab some old wires lying around and use them for growing vines for vertical gardens, and hanging planters; an ideal placement for trailing woody-stemmed plants. 

Which plant choices do I have to Create a Balcony Vegetable Garden?

With that said, it would be a smart choice only to grow plants that won’t outgrow the space allotted to them. For instance, soft herbs like these will work well: 

  • Corriander, 
  • Basil, 
  • Parsley, 
  • Chives 

Growing the seedlings vertically to save space is also a pro tip. You can also experiment with hanging baskets and plant fences. They don’t only look gorgeous but are great for growing compact crops such as arugula, spinach, and kale.

Another smart move is to plant root vegetables. You can grow:

  • Parsnips, 
  • Carrots,
  • Turnips,
  • Tomatoes,
  • Potatoes

Make sure to seed or plant your chosen root crops into at least 35 to 40cm deep pots. This will ensure that the seedlings grow in adequate space and do not cramp up.

How can I choose the right resources for my vegetable balcony garden?

If you’re a total beginner, you might still know that you require a little more than just a rake, some dirt, and a pot. Choosing the right material such as our nutrient-rich soils and fertilizers is important if you want your garden and the plants to thrive and flourish. Knowing when and how much to give your plants is crucial information too. 

Ideally, if you go online, you can find hundreds of gardening materials and tools. However, we would advise you to simply pay a visit to your nearest nurseries and greenhouses. They will not only have all the materials you require, but you would be supporting your local businesses. 

By helping support local businesses, you’re helping them grow, and when they grow, they’ll be able to acquire and sell better goods than what they have now! 

Got old pots and containers lying around? Use them!

If you’re blessed with a sunny spot on your balcony, grab your pots and containers, and let’s get growing! In the world we’re living in, it is too easy to just go out and get a shiny new pot for your garden plants. Though this can be fun and exciting, the one tip we would give you is to reuse and repurpose some of the containers and old pots that you may already have laying around in your home. By doing this, you’re minimizing your expenses, making better use of those single-use plastics, and doing your bit to minimize your carbon footprint.

recycle old pots for the environment

A win-win situation for you and the planet! 

Make sure your pots have proper drainage

Now that we have gone over the basics, let us talk about how important it is to have a proper drainage system for your plants. No matter how careful you are when watering your plants, without draining, the roots are more likely to drown. This is such a common hazard when it comes to looking after plants. Many people who are first-time owners are completely unaware of this fact, too. 

Look for dishes or trays that you can put underneath your pots. Make sure the pots you’re using have holes at the bottom. If you are reusing your household containers as pots, you can either make holes at the bottom by drilling or by simply poking them with sharp metal skewers. With the leftover water, you can water other plants or even save it and re-water your plant the next day.

Recycling your plants and even nutrients

A great tip that we would have loved if someone told us would be composting. Because it recycles and reuses vital nutrients through organic matter added back to the soil, composting is a clever gardening solution. By enhancing tilth, boosting water retention, and generating air spaces for plant roots to develop in, composting your garden will greatly improve the health of the soil. 

Place your plants in a suitable environment for them to grow best

Composting can be done with a multitude of foods found right in your kitchen. For example, you can use eggshells, banana peels, and even coffee grounds to start your compost. With practice, you’ll start to master this art of composting and soon, you won’t even need to spend any money on buying nutrient-rich soil. 


There you have it! All the information you could need to give you that boost to start your vegetable garden as a beginner. There are limitless possibilities out there for you and your balcony garden so what are you waiting for? The sky’s the limit! 

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